Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Nub On The Ground"

So Jarrod and I were watching "American Idol" a few weeks ago when the infamous (and hilarious) "Pants On The Ground" audition was first heard. Ever since then, Jarrod has been singing an improvised song he made up about Conan. First, watch the real "POTG" video here:

Then read Jarrod's lyrics with that tune in your head:
Nub on the ground, nub on the ground, lookin' like a fool with your nub on the ground
With the chompers in yo' mouth, collar turned sideways
Nub hit the ground, call yourself a cool dog
Lookin' like a fool, walkin' downtown with your nub on the ground
Give it up
Hey, get yo' nub off the ground
Lookin' like a fool
Walkin', talkin' with yo' nub on the ground

Ah, poor Conan.

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