Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm a Georigia Peach at heart

As you know, I love to bake. So it was only fitting that I make some sort of delicious dessert to welcome Jarrod home. I chose a peach cobbler, even though I'd never made a cobbler before. It just sounded so good! I used this recipe from All Recipes: and it was a great success. I used frozen peaches instead of fresh; I didn't know exactly how much eight peaches would be in cups, so I used 1 1/2 bags. Next time, I think I'll use two entire bags, and add a little more cornstarch. The cobbler was perfectly sweet and peachy (and I even used a bit less white sugar than called for), and the topping was soft, sweet and had an amazing slightly crisp crust on top. YUM!!! This is definitely a keeper.

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