I can't believe we've had Conan for three years this summer. And he's almost 4 years old! I was looking through some old pictures the other day and came across this top photo, from right after we first got him. This picture actually appeared in the Northwest Florida Daily News as a "pet of the day" photo. And it even got printed in color!
It's amazing to me how different Conan looks now. He's clearly still a puppy in the first photo. And in the second picture, from a few weeks ago, he's clearly an adult dog. Just look at how much of the white fur on his muzzle has changed to black, and how much of the pink skin by his nose has vanished. These are things that you don't really notice as they're happening, because they're gradual.
I'm assuming these same things happen with human children too. That's why parents say, "It seems like just yesterday that I was changing her diapers, and now she's starting kindergarten! Sniffle, sniffle..." Maybe it's symbolic of a larger factor in our society. Things happen so fast these days. We're busy, and going going going. We wake up one day and all of a sudden, a whole month has passed. Where did it go?! And then, seemingly the next day, we wake up and it's New Year's! I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, but it's important that we stop and appreciate each day. I try to take a few moments every day to be thankful for my great life, my wonderful husband, my loving family, and of course my furry little boy, who (just like real kids do) is growing up too fast!
Yes, I can attest to that! Not too long ago you were running around with a pony tail and colleting rabbits, stuffed and real. Now you are a beautiful young woman with a family of your own. Yes, time flies!