Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Electric Beach

Jarrod and I went snorkeling at a new spot on Monday called Electric Beach. It's on the west side of Oahu and named such because it's right across the street from a power plant. The power plant was two huge pipes that spit hot air or water (not sure which) out into the ocean and the fishies love it. Getting out to the open ocean was a bit rough as we had to basically get clobbered in the face by huge, very salty waves first. And then it was about a quarter-mile swim out to the pipes. There weren't as many neat fish as Hanauma Bay, but we did see a few new ones. Spinner dolphins and sea turtles frequent this area, but unfortunately we didn't see either. We did encounter a school of neat little squid, though, which was a first for us. Next up for snorkeling: Shark's Cove on the North Shore and Chinaman's Hat on the east side.

1 comment:

  1. omg, you saw a cuttlefish!! I'm SO jealous right now.. those pictures are beautiful by the way :)
