Monday, February 8, 2010

My Favorite Super Bowl Ad

I thought there were a few really funny commericals on the Super Bowl this year, but my favorite was actually NOT a funny ad, it was a cute one. I loved the Google "Parisian Love" commercial. What a clever idea! Here it is:

The ad I liked best from last year -- the Bridgestone commercial with the Potato Heads -- is one of my all-time favorite commericals ever.

One thing that really confuses me is how the FCC and the networks decide what is appropriate for TV. There was so much hullabaloo over the gay dating website commerical, which didn't make the cut. I don't know what the gay dating site ad entailed, but could it really have been that much more potentially offensive than some of the ads that DID air? There were two ads that centered around people in their underwear -- with plenty of close-ups -- and two ads showing women giving birth ("Mommy, I thought you said babies came from storks?"), an ad with a sperm fertilizing an egg, and another with talking babies who cheat each other and are "milkaholics." I understand homosexuality is a very divisive topic, but how come no one is outraged that their children saw a woman screaming in an inflatable pool during a water birth? That practically traumatized ME!

Another thing that annoyed me was all the controversy over the Tim Tebow "anti-abortion" ad. Having lived in the same town as Focus on the Family for many years -- and hearing about the supposed "controversy" for days -- I was a little afraid it would be an in-your-face "abortion is evil" type of commerical. But then it aired, and it was definitely not an in-yout-face ad. In fact, if I hadn't been bombarded with news stories about the ad for the past week, I wouldn't even have realized it had anything to do with abortion. I was already ticked off when I realized that all that blather over the commerical being offensive was simply a media invention. There WAS no controversy... until the media manufactured some (which is what today's media does best... take things out of context, blow things out of proportion, etc.). That, ultimately, was probably a FAR better advertisement for Focus on the Family's message than if the commerical had just aired without all the debate. Then I turn on the TV this morning and hear all about how the president of NOW, the National Organization for Women, said the Tebow commercial was promoting violence against women. What?! I understood their concern about such an ad airing during the Super Bowl (and agreed, actually), but now they're just making the organization look stupid.

The news was also full of complaints about the Career Builder commercial featuring an office full of people clad only in their underwear. People griped about how horrible it was to see those fat, pasty white people spilling out of their undergarments. But I actually applaud the ad for using ACTUAL, NORMAL people with REAL bodies, something we pretty much never see in the media these days.

P.S. This is my first time trying to post movies on the blog. Hope it works out!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I was very disappointed by the Super Bowl commercials this year.
